Happy Friday and a YiPPIE FRI-YAY! From YOUR KC Morning Show!
KCMS Fridays always styled by the homies over at Charlie Hustle Co!
KCMS20 for 20% off, (in-store and/or online!)
On the show today, webhear the Soul of Santa!
We're joined by Fox 4 & KCMS Film Critic, Shawn Edwards, KC Hip-Hop Icons, Roblo The Star, XTA-C, and The Royal Chief!
Check out the Soul of Santa Christmas Album, NOW!
LINK: The Soul of Santa - https://thesoulofsanta.org/
LINK: The Soul of Santa Christmas Album - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrflr3dOcDnKb9KiQnWjhHw
A Good Day To Be A Kansas Citian. Always
Happy Weekend. Let's Weekend!
xoxo - @hartzell965, @holeyhearts, @kcmorningshow
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