Happy Humpday (BAY-BAY!) From YOUR KC Morning Show!
On the show today, we're joined by Timothy Smith, with the Committee Against New Royals Stadium Taxes, leading the charge AGAINST the April 2nd vote on a downtown stadium for the Kansas City Royals
Opponents of the Kansas City Royals' move to the Crossroads get organized via KCUR https://www.kcur.org/sports/2024-02-21/committee-against-new-royals-stadium-taxes-jackson-county-ballpark-downtown-crossroads-keep-chiefs-in-jackson-county-kansas-city
Its A Good Day To Be A Kansas Citian. Always.
xoxo - @hartzell965, @holeyhearts, & @kcmorningshow
Happy Monday, and a Happy MLK Day From YOUR KC Morning Show!On the show today, we share the mic with Dr. Martin Luther King,...
Happy Thursday from YOUR KC Morning Show!On the show today...- Shuchi Singh tells us about the As You Wish Comedy Show! A monthly show...
Happy Tuesday from YOUR KC Morning Show!Tuesdays on The KCMS, Hartzell and Professor Harvey Kaye Take Back America in their weekly conversation reclaiming our...